Acid Free Mattes; Regular/Specialty/Suede
Single Matte - FLAT Regular Cut
Double Matte - FLAT Regular Cut
Single Matte - V-Groove
Double Matte - V-Groove
Double Matte - Split Groove
MOULDING: Wood/Metal/Polystyrene
Our gallery and experienced professionals can assist you in designing the ideal treatment for your corporation, hotel, office,
gallery or home. Our products are hand crafted locally using the highest quality moulding and materials which we offer at
a very competitive price.
We have hundreds of moulding to choose from: Wood, Metal or Polystyrene. Matting choices range from Regular, Specialty
or Suede with a choice of specialty cuts.
Stretching Canvas
Dry Mount on Foam Core
Plaque Mount (on wood)
Matte Plaque Mount (on wood)
Scoles Fine Arts & Framing, 106-335 Packham Ave, Saskatoon SK S7N 4S1
PH: (306)934-2688 FAX: (306) 934-2689
Scoles Fine Arts & Framing, 106-335 Packham Ave, Sasktoon SK S7N 4S1
PH: (306) 934-2688 FAX: (306) 934-2689